Friday, September 12, 2008

My hubby is amazing!

My DH left me a message on the bathroom mirror the morning after the anniversary of our miscarriage. I got to see it when I came home that night. It said:

I love you with all of my heart.
One day I know that God will bless us with a child and you will be the best mom in the whole world. I pray for you daily and can't wait for that day!

Is he not precious? By the way, the message was written in dry erase marker. That is a great way to leave your spouse or kids notes, or to remind yourself of something. Just make sure that it is a dry erase marker and it will come off easily!

If I'm not pregnant (AF should arrive sometime this weekend), then I think we are going to go ahead with the IUI. I spoke with the RE's office yesterday and got a lot of my questions answered. I'm still hoping that I'm pregnant now so I don't have to spend all of that money!



Courtney said...

that is soooooo sweet. probably one of the sweetest things I've ever heard of a husband doing for his brought tears to my eyes. I hope you have something to celebrate this weekend, but if not, I agree with your husband that God is going to bless you with a child.

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet!

Bathroom mirror messages are my favorite - my hubby does them lots, too :)

I Believe in Miracles said...

What a sweet husband!!