Monday, September 22, 2008

On our way to the dr.


It has not been a good morning. The Dr. was very short with me (not my usual doctor). She maybe spent 2 minutes in there if that and did an ultrasound during that time. She babbled something about PCOS on the right ovary. Yeah! Another thing to deal with. But she never asked if I had any questions or anything. I just wanted to cry. My husband said "I really hate those ultrasound machines. We never get good news when one is used. Maybe if this works, I can start to like them again." It made me feel so bad for him. So they gave me my prescriptions and said they would call me with my lab results. I guess I'll know if we get to start this thing later on today. My hubby and I went out into the parking lot and I just cried. He told me that he never wanted me to see that Dr. again. She was almost rude. I really hope that something positive (a baby) can come from this. I guess she assumed that I had been there before for the same thing several times. She didn't even bother to explain anything. I had to ask the nurse on the way out what to do. When the dr left, she didn't say get dressed or anything. She just handed my hubby the chart and walked out. I really dislike her. I will definitely request to never see her again. I really felt like a number and like I didn't matter at all. I don't think my words can do this situation justice. It was crappy!

On the way home a rock flew up and chipped my windshield. What a lovely day. I'm getting ready to go to work now. I don't even want to. I just want to get back in my pj's and cry for the rest of the day. But oh well! I'm a big girl and I have to go to work so I can pay for my 3 prescriptions that I will pick up this afternoon. They will probably be at least $130.00. I'm used to my $10.00 copay! I guess that's all going out the window too!

I hope you all have a great day. I will post again when I have another update.

N and I are on our way to see the RE this morning. Hopefully everything will be ok and we can get started on this journey! I'll update you when I know more.

1 comment:

I Believe in Miracles said...

I'm so sorry about your rotten experience at the RE! That's awful.